B. Kim,* K.-T. Chen, K.-Y. Chen, Y.-S. Chiu, C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-H. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“Experimental Demonstration of Stationary Dark-State Polaritons Dressed by Dipole-Dipole Interaction,”
Phys. Rev. Lett.
131, 133001 (2023).
Y.-S. Wang, K.-B. Li, C.-F. Chang, T.-W. Lin, J.-Q. Li, S.-S. Hsiao, J.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Lai, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, and I. A. Yu,*
“Temporally ultralong biphotons with a linewidth of 50 kHz,”
APL Photonics
7, 126102 (2022).
C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-S. Wang, J.-M. Chen, F.-C. Huang, Y.-T. Ke, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K.-L. Chao, S.-S. Hsiao, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, I. A. Yu,*
“Generation of sub-MHz and spectrally-bright biphotons from hot atomic vapors with a phase mismatch-free scheme,”
Opt. Express
29, 4632 (2021).
Editors’ Pick.
Y. F. Hsiao, P. J. Tsai, H. S. Chen, S. X. Lin, C. C. Hung, C. H. Lee, Y. H. Chen, Y. F. Chen, I. A. Yu,* and Y. C. Chen,*
“Highly Efficient Coherent Optical Memory Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,”
Phys. Rev. Lett.
120, 183602 (2018).
Highly Cited Paper in the Web of Science.
Z. Y. Liu, Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, H. Y. Lo, P. J. Tsai, I. A. Yu,* Y. C. Chen, and Y. F. Chen,*
"Large Cross-Phase Modulations at the Few-Photon Level,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
117, 203601 (2016).
Editors' Suggestion; Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics.
M. J. Lee, J. Ruseckas, C. Y. Lee, V. Kudriasov, K. F. Chang, H. W. Cho, G. Juzeliunas, and I. A. Yu,*
"Experimental demonstration of spinor slow light,"
Nature Commun.
5, 5542 (2014).
Y. H. Chen, M. J. Lee, I. C. Wang, S. Du, Y. F. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Coherent Optical Memory with High Storage Efficiency and Large Fractional Delay,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
110, 083601 (2013).
Y. H. Chen, M. J. Lee, W. Hung, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Demonstration of the Interaction between Two Stopped Light Pulses,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
108, 173603 (2012).
Y. W. Lin, W. T. Liao, T. Peters, H. C. Chou, J. S. Wang, H. W. Cho, P. C. Kuan, and I. A. Yu,*
"Stationary Light Pulses in Cold Atomic Media and without Bragg Gratings,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
102, 213601 (2009).
Y. F. Chen, C. Y. Wang, S. H. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Low-Light-Level Cross-Phase-Modulation Based on Stored Light Pulses,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
96, 043603 (2006).
All Papers
C.-Y. Hsu,* B. Kim, K.-T. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, M.-S. Chang, and I. A. Yu,*
“Study on two-photon frequency stability for reducing the decoherence rate of Rydberg-state electromagnetically induced transparency,”
Phys. Rev. Appl.
22, 064056 (2024).
J.-M. Chen, T. Peters, P.-H. Hsieh, and I. A. Yu,*
“Review of Biphoton Sources based on the Double-Λ Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing Process,”
Adv. Quantum Technol.
7, 2400138 (2024).
Invited Review Article
J.-S. Shiu, Z.-Y. Liu, C.-Y. Cheng, Y.-C. Huang, I. A. Yu, Y.-C. Chen, C.-S.Chuu, C.-M. Li, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-F. Chen,*
“Observation of highly correlated ultrabright biphotons through increased atomic ensemble density in spontaneous four-wave mixing,”
Phys. Rev. Res.
6, L032001 (2024).
T.-J. Shih, W.-K. Huang, Y.-M. Lin, K.-B. Li, C.-Y. Hsu, J.-M. Chen, P.-Y. Tu, T. Peters, Y.-F. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“A universal relation between conditional auto-correlation function and cross-correlation function of biphotons,”
Opt. Express
32, 13657 (2024).
H. R. Hamedi,* I. A. Yu, and E. Paspalakis,*
“Matched optical vortices of slow light using a tripod coherently prepared scheme,”
Phys. Rev. A
108, 053719 (2023).
B. Kim,* K.-T. Chen, K.-Y. Chen, Y.-S. Chiu, C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-H. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“Experimental Demonstration of Stationary Dark-State Polaritons Dressed by Dipole-Dipole Interaction,”
Phys. Rev. Lett.
131, 133001 (2023).
Y.-L. Chuang,* Rahmatullah, and I. A. Yu,
“Optical-density enhanced quantum entanglement via four-wave mixing process,”
Opt. Express
31, 13911 (2023).
A. Bruns,* C.-Y. Hsu, S. Stryzhenko, E. Giese, L. P. Yatsenko, I. A. Yu, T. Halfmann, and T. Peters,
“Ultrabright and narrowband intra-fiber biphoton source at ultralow pump power,”
Quantum Sci. Technol.
8, 015002 (2023).
Y.-S. Wang, K.-B. Li, C.-F. Chang, T.-W. Lin, J.-Q. Li, S.-S. Hsiao, J.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Lai, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, and I. A. Yu,*
“Temporally ultralong biphotons with a linewidth of 50 kHz,”
APL Photonics
7, 126102 (2022).
S.-S. Hsiao,* W.-K. Huang, Y.-M. Lin, J.-M. Chen, C.-Y. Hsu, and I. A. Yu,*
“Temporal profile of biphotons generated from a hot atomic vapor and spectrum of electromagnetically induced transparency,”
Phys. Rev. A
106, 023709 (2022).
J.-M. Chen, C.-Y. Hsu, W.-K. Huang, S.-S. Hsiao, F.-C. Huang, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“Room-temperature biphoton source with a spectral brightness near the ultimate limit,”
Phys. Rev. Res.
4, 023132 (2022).
K.-T. Chen, B. Kim,* C.-C. Su, S.-S. Hsiao, S.-J. Huang, W.-T. Liao, and I. A. Yu,*
“Increasing the decoherence rate of Rydberg polaritons due to accumulating dark Rydberg atoms,”
Phys. Rev. Res.
4, 023024 (2022).
B. Kim, K.-T. Chen, S.-S. Hsiao, S.-Y. Wang, K.-B. Li, J. Ruseckas, G. Juzeliūnas, T. Kirova, M. Auzinsh, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“A weakly-interacting many-body system of Rydberg polaritons based on electromagnetically induced transparency,”
Commun. Phys.
4, 110 (2021).
C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-S. Wang, J.-M. Chen, F.-C. Huang, Y.-T. Ke, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K.-L. Chao, S.-S. Hsiao, Y.-H. Chen, C.-S. Chuu, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-F. Chen, I. A. Yu,*
“Generation of sub-MHz and spectrally-bright biphotons from hot atomic vapors with a phase mismatch-free scheme,”
Opt. Express
29, 4632 (2021).
Editors’ Pick.
C.-Y Cheng, Z.-Y. Liu, P.-S. Hu, T.-N. Wang, C.-Y. Chien, J.-S. Shiu, I. A. Yu, Y.-C. Chen, and Y.-F. Chen,*
“Efficient frequency conversion based on electromagnetically induced transparency,”
Opt. Lett.
46, 681 (2021).
Y.-L. Chuang, R.-K. Lee,* and I. A. Yu,
“Generation of quantum entanglement based on electromagnetically induced transparency media,”
Opt. Express
28, 28414 (2021).
K.-F. Chang, T.-P. Wang, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-H. Chen, Y.-S. Wang, Y.-F. Chen,* Y.-C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“Low-loss high-fidelity frequency beam splitter with tunable split ratio based on electromagnetically induced transparency,”
Phys. Rev. Research
3, 013096 (2021).
S.-S. Hsiao, K.-T. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
“Mean field theory of weakly-interacting Rydberg polaritons in the EIT system based on the nearest-neighbor distribution,”
Opt. Express
28, 28414 (2020).
R. Chinnarasu, C.-Y. Liu, Y.-F. Ding, C.-Y. Lee, T.-H. Hsieh, I. A. Yu, and C.-S. Chuu,*
“Efficient generation of subnatural-linewidth biphotons by controlled quantum interference,”
Phys. Rev. A
101, 063837 (2020).
B. Kim, K.-T. Chen, C.-Y. Hsu, S.-S. Hsiao, Y.-C. Tseng, C.-Y. Lee, S.-L. Liang, Y.-H. Lai, J. Ruseckas, G. Juzeliūnas, and I. A. Yu,*
“Effect of laser frequency fluctuation on the decay rate of Rydberg coherence,”
Phys. Rev. A
100, 013815 (2019).
J. Ruseckas,* V. Kudriašov, A. Mekys, T. Andrijauskas, I. A. Yu, and G. Juzeliūnas,
“Nonlinear quantum optics for spinor slow light,”
Phys. Rev. A
98, 013846 (2018).
J. Y. Juo, J. K. Lin, C. Y. Cheng, Z. Y. Liu, I. A. Yu, and Y. F. Chen,*
“Demonstration of spatial-light-modulation-based four-wave mixing in cold atoms,”
Phys. Rev. A
97, 053815 (2018).
G. Wang, Y. S. Wang, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K. L. Chao, P. Y. Wu, Y. H. Chen,* and I. A. Yu,
“Ultranarrow-bandwidth filter based on a thermal EIT medium,”
Sci. Rep.
8, 7959 (2018).
Y. F. Hsiao, P. J. Tsai, H. S. Chen, S. X. Lin, C. C. Hung, C. H. Lee, Y. H. Chen, Y. F. Chen, I. A. Yu,* and Y. C. Chen,*
“Highly Efficient Coherent Optical Memory Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,”
Phys. Rev. Lett.
120, 183602 (2018).
Highly Cited Paper in the Web of Science.
Y. L. Chuang, R. K. Lee,* and I. A. Yu,*
“Optical density-enhanced squeezed light generation without optical cavities,”
Phys. Rev. A
96, 053818 (2017).
S. C. Gou, S. W. Su, and I. A. Yu,
“Reply to Comment on ‘Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium: A numerical approach’,”
Phys. Rev. A
96, 047801 (2017).
B. H. Wu, Y. W. Chuang, Y. H. Chen,* J. C. Yu, M. S. Chang, and I. A. Yu,*
“Enhanced spectral profile in the study of Doppler-broadened Rydberg ensembles,”
Sci. Rep.
7, 9726 (2017).
S. W. Su, S. C. Gou, L. Y. Chew, Y. Y. Chang, I. A. Yu, A. Kalachev, and W. T. Liao,*
“Setting a disordered password on a photonic memory,”
Phys. Rev. A
95, 061805(R) (2017).
J. Ruseckas, I. A. Yu, and G. Juzeliūnas,
"Creation of two-photon states via interaction between Rydberg atoms during the light storage,"
Phys. Rev. A
95, 023807 (2017).
Editors' Suggestion.
Z. Y. Liu, Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, H. Y. Lo, P. J. Tsai, I. A. Yu,* Y. C. Chen, and Y. F. Chen,*
"Large Cross-Phase Modulations at the Few-Photon Level,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
117, 203601 (2016).
Editors' Suggestion; Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics.
C. Y. Lee, B. H. Wu, G. Wang, Y. F. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"High conversion efficiency in resonant four-wave mixing processes,"
Opt. Express
24, 1008 (2016).
Y. L. Chuang, I. A. Yu, and R. K. Lee,
"Quantum theory for pulse propagation in electromagnetically-induced-transparency media beyond the adiabatic approximation,"
Phys. Rev. A
91, 063818 (2015).
Y. L. Chuang, I. A. Yu, and R. K. Lee,*
"Non-separated states from squeezed dark-state polaritons in electromagnetically-induced-transparency media,"
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
32, 1384 (2015).
W. Hung, P. Huang, F. C. Wu, M. Bruvelis, H. Y. Xiao, A. Ekers, and I. A. Yu,*
"Storage time of cold Rb atoms in an optical dipole trap formed by a multimode fiber laser,"
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
32, B32-B36 (2015).
M. J. Lee, J. Ruseckas, C. Y. Lee, V. Kudriasov, K. F. Chang, H. W. Cho, G. Juzeliunas, and I. A. Yu,*
"Experimental demonstration of spinor slow light,"
Nature Commun.
5, 5542 (2014).
Y. F. Hsiao, P. J. Tsai, C. C. Lin, Y. F. Chen, I. A. Yu, and Y. C. Chen,*
"Coherence properties of amplified slow light by four-wave mixing,"
Opt. Lett.
39, 3394 (2014).
C. K. Chiu, Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, I. A. Yu, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Chen,*
"Low-light-level four-wave mixing by quantum interference,"
Phys. Rev. A
89, 023839 (2014).
H. H. Jen,* B. Xiong, I. A. Yu, and D. W. Wang,
"Electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in quantum degenerate atomic gases,"
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
30, 2855 (2013).
Y. H. Chen,* M. J. Lee, I. C. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Fidelity of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency-based optical memory,"
Phys. Rev. A
88, 023805 (2013).
W. M. Hsu, Y. H. Chen,* J. S. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Slow and stored light pulses in the presence of magnetic fields,"
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
30, 2123 (2013).
J. Ruseckas,* V. Kudrisov, I. A. Yu, and G. Juzeliunas,*
"Transfer of orbital angular momentum of light using two component slow light,"
Phys. Rev. A
87, 053840 (2013).
Y. H. Chen, M. J. Lee, I. C. Wang, S. Du, Y. F. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Coherent Optical Memory with High Storage Efficiency and Large Fractional Delay,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
110, 083601 (2013).
The 2013 August issue of Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter reports this work in Research Highlights.
C. C. Lin, M. C. Wu, B. W. Shiau, Y. H. Chen, I. A. Yu, Y. F. Chen, and Y. C. Chen,*
"Enhanced all-optical switching with double slow light pulses,"
Phys. Rev. A
86, 063836 (2012).
M. J. Lee, Y. H. Chen, I. C. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"EIT-based all-optical switching and cross-phase modulation under the influence of four-wave mixing,"
Opt. Express
20, 11057 (2012).
Y. H. Chen, M. J. Lee, W. Hung, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Demonstration of the Interaction between Two Stopped Light Pulses,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
108, 173603 (2012).
The 2012 April issue of Nature Physics reports this work in research highlights with the title of "Frozen light switch".
T. Peters, S. W. Su, Y. H. Chen, J. S. Wang, S. C. Gou,* and I. A. Yu,*
"Formation of stationary light in a medium of non-stationary atoms,"
Phys. Rev. A
85, 023838 (2012).
S. W. Su, Y. H. Chen, S. C. Gou,* and I. A. Yu,*
"An effective thermal-parametrization theory for the slow-light dynamics in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically induced transparency medium,"
J. Phys. B
44, 165504 (2011).
H. Y. Lo, Y. C. Chen, P. C. Su, H. C. Chen, J. X. Chen, Y. C. Chen, I. A. Yu, and Y. F. Chen,*
"Electromagnetically induced transparency based cross-phase modulation at attojoule levels,"
Phys. Rev. A
83, 041804(R) (2011).
S. W. Su, Y. H. Chen, S. C. Gou,* T. L. Horng, and I. A. Yu,*
"Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium: A numerical approach,"
Phys. Rev. A
83, 013827 (2011).
C. Belthangady,* C. S. Chuu, I. A. Yu, G. Y. Yin, J. M. Kahn, and S. E. Harris,
"Hiding Single Photons with Spread Spectrum Technology,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
104, 223601 (2010).
T. Peters, Y. H. Chen, J. S. Wang, Y. W. Lin, and I. A. Yu,*
"Observation of phase variation within stationary light pulses inside a cold atomic medium,"
Opt. Lett.
35, 151 (2010).
W. T. Liao, T. Peters, E. C. Shen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Propagation, broadening, and energy decay of quasi-stationary light pulses in thermal atoms,"
Chinese J. Phys. (Taipei)
47, 817 (2009).
Y. W. Lin, W. T. Liao, T. Peters, H. C. Chou, J. S. Wang, H. W. Cho, P. C. Kuan, and I. A. Yu,*
"Stationary Light Pulses in Cold Atomic Media and without Bragg Gratings,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
102, 213601 (2009).
T. Peters, Y. H. Chen, J. S. Wang, Y. W. Lin, and I. A. Yu,*
"Optimizing the retrieval efficiency of stored light pulses,"
Opt. Express
17, 6665 (2009).
W. H. Lin, W. T. Liao, C. Y. Wang, Y. F. Lee, and I. A. Yu,*
"Low-light-level all-optical switching based on stored light pulses,"
Phys. Rev. A
78, 033807 (2008).
Y. W. Lin, H. C. Chou, P. P. Dwivedi, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Using a pair of rectangular coils in the MOT for the production of cold atom clouds with large optical density,"
Opt. Express
16, 3753 (2008).
H. W. Cho, Y. C. He, T. Peters, Y. H. Chen, H. C. Chen, S. C. Lin, Y. C. Lee, and I. A. Yu,*
"Direct measurement of the atom number in a Bose condensate,"
Opt. Express
15, 12114 (2007).
P. C. Guan and I. A. Yu,*
"Simplification of the electromagnetically induced transparency system with degenerate Zeeman state,"
Phys. Rev. A
76, 033817 (2007).
P. C. Guan, Y. F. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Role of degenerate Zeeman states in the storage and retrieval of light pulses,"
Phys. Rev. A
75, 013812 (2007).
Y. F. Chen, Y. M. Kao, W. H. Lin, and I. A. Yu,*
"Phase variation and shape distortion of light pulses in electromagnetically induced transparency media,"
Phys. Rev. A
74, 063807 (2006).
Y. F. Chen, P. C. Kuan, S. H. Wang, C. Y. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Manipulating the retrieved frequency and polarization of stored light pulses,"
Opt. Lett.
31, 3511 (2006).
C. Y. Wang, Y. F. Chen, S. C. Lin, W. H. Lin, P. C. Kuan, and I. A. Yu,*
"Low-light-level all-optical switching,"
Opt. Lett.
31, 2350 (2006).
Y. F. Chen, C. Y. Wang, S. H. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Low-Light-Level Cross-Phase-Modulation Based on Stored Light Pulses,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.
96, 043603 (2006).
Y. M. Kao, T. F. Jiang,* and I. A. Yu,
"Adomian's decomposition method for electromagnetically induced transparency,"
Phys. Rev. E
72, 066703 (2005).
Y. F. Chen, Z. H. Tsai, Y. C. Liu, and I. A. Yu,*
"Low-light-level photon switching by quantum interference,"
Opt. Lett.
30, 3207 (2005).
Y. F. Chen, S. H. Wang, C. Y. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Manipulating the retrieved width of stored light pulses,"
Phys. Rev. A
72, 053803 (2005).
Y. F. Chen, Y. C. Liu, Z. H. Tsai, S. H. Wang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Beat-note interferometer for direct phase measurement of photonic information,"
Phys. Rev. A
72, 033812 (2005).
Y. F. Chen, G. C. Pan, and I. A. Yu,*
"Frequency-modulation-induced transient oscillation in the spectra of electromagnetically induced transparency,"
J. Opt.Soc. Am. B
21, 1647 (2004).
Y. F. Chen, G. C. Pan, and I. A. Yu,*
"Transient behaviors of photon switching by quantum interference,"
Phys. Rev. A
69, 063801 (2004).
J. J. Su and I. A. Yu,*
"The study of coherence-induced phenomena using double-sided Feynman diagrams,"
Chinese J. Phys. (Taipei)
41, 627 (2003).
G. C. Pan and I. A. Yu,*
"Transient effects of photon switching by quantum interference,"
Chinese J. Phys. (Taipei)
41, 503 (2003).
Y. W. Chen, C. W. Lin, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,*
"Quantization axes in coherent two-field spectroscopy,"
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
19, 1917 (2002).
Y. C. Chen, Y. A. Liao, H. Y. Chiu, J. J. Su, and I. A. Yu,*
"Observation of the quantum interference phenomenon induced by interacting dark resonances,"
Phys. Rev. A
64, 053806 (2001).
Y. C. Chen, Y. A. Liao, L. Hsu, and I. A. Yu,*
"Simple technique for directly and accurately measuring the number of atoms in a magneto-optical trap,"
Phys. Rev. A
64, 031401(R) (2001).
Y. C. Chen, Y. W. Chen, J. J. Su, C. Y. Huang, and I. A. Yu,*
"Pump-probe spectroscopy of cold 87Rb atoms for various laser-polarization configurations,"
Phys. Rev. A
63, 043804 (2001).
Y. C. Chen, C. W. Lin, and I. A. Yu,*
"Role of degenerate Zeeman levels in electromagnetically induced transparency,"
Phys. Rev. A
61, 053805 (2000).
Y. C. Chen, W. B. Lin, H. C. Hsue, L. Hsu, and I. A. Yu,*
"Effect of the trapping laser linewidth on the atom number in a magneto-optical trap,"
Chinese J. Phys. (Taipei)
38, 920 (2000).
S. K. Tung, Y. C. Chen, C. W. Lin, L. Hsu, and I. A. Yu,*
"Cooling atoms below 100 μK,"
Chinese J. Phys. (Taipei)
38, 395 (2000).